I can be the knife in your back
The noose around your neck
The bullet right through your skull
But I'd rather be the force of my spoken word
Let our voices form the weapons


With Farts on Fire

Would've blogged about this earlier, but I had HW and shit.

Yesterday of course was Thy's party at Oli's. Got there at around 9ish with Lyle after watching UFC 96. It was us and a bunch LQ people at first, but then the dudes finally showed up. Quite a surprise seeing Manny and Johnny there. A lot of faces I haven't seen in a while, including Don and Steve. As our group slowly started to appear at the party, we felt more comfortable. Even Thomas and Anthony showed up as well. Mike and Danny still weren't here yet, in which they missed both Manny and Johnny.

Meanwhile, I finally broke the streak. 1 day after my 8 month anniversary, I took a shot of what I think was Captain Morgan's. I only had a total of 5 shots, but I could feel a slight buzz. My tolerance has gone wayyy down. Meat, Jlam, Steve, Keane and Don were all pretty buzzed or drunk. Mike and Danny got there a little too late and did not have anything to drink. Danny didn't want to anyways, since he was DA DA. One other note is that Christopher Nguyen from Northcutt made an appearance. Haven't seen that guy in a LONG time.

It was maybe around 12ish that the party was called off because it was supposedly going to get raided. Everyone pretty much bailed and went to Steven Lee's or Keane's house. Buzzed, Lyle took my car with me, Tim and Thy riding along. Got some sober up food at JITB, fucking 16 tacos. Thy is officially the first person to throw up in my car.

We got there at Keane's, where Don was yakking, and then all the other guys arrived at well. Talk about random crap, while Meat, Steve and Don were all out of it. Probably the greatest moment of the night then occurred when I took my lighter and farted on it. A massive flame erupted, causing my pants to almost set fire and the lulz to ensue. Never seen anybody else laugh so hard. I did it again, but the flame was much smaller, and after that we all headed off.

I took Thy back to her car along with Tim and Lyle who drove her car. They dropped her off and then picked them up and drove them home. Pretty much a fucking hilarious night.