the frozen lake that always seems to break when you walk to the other side.
West Indian Girl is in two days. I don't think I've ever been this excited for a show. I've only listened to them for a couple of months, but they have for now taken the spot as my favorite band. Both albums are superb, especially the latest release, "4th and Wall". I've had both on repeat for days, as there are no filler songs. James and Mariqueen's harmonizing vocals are perfect for each other, as heard in Sofia and All My Friends. The psychedelic sound of this album makes me want to float away and not worry about anything. It's like a musical high, leaving you carefree. Not only does Mariqueen Maandig have a great voice, but she is amazingly beautiful, and I use the word beautiful RARELY. Being a Filipino is a plus too ahah. I really can't wait for this show. I'm ready for this religious experience that will change my life. On the way up there, I'm going to visit the Elliot Smith wall as it is literally a mile away.
This is my absolute favorite song of theirs, off their s/t.
15 years ago