Although it really isn't hard to believe on paper, Lesnar is now the HW Champ. Now I hope Nog rips through Mir and subs the shit out of Lesnar. It's still a big shock that someone who was in the WWE will probably dominate a joke of a HW division other than Nog/Zag/Carwin/Werdum. I give you all the credit Couture, 45 years old and you still were able to avoid some of Lesnar's takedowns. Other than that, the rest of the night went really good. KenFlo raped Stevenson, Gonzaga MURDERED Hendricks, which I may add that Zag has the best mean mug EVER, Hazelett is a submission god and Maia RNC'd Quarry. Another notable fight was Gurgel's. That flush nut shot was amazing, but not as amazing as that fucking Mortal Kombat style uppercut Stevens threw and Dos Anjos. Most of my predictions went well. Hey Lyle, you owe me 20 bucks AHAHA.
ban hxc dancing (7:40:33 PM): brown wins.
AMisanthropyPure (7:40:38 PM): via armbar
cidonem (7:40:39 PM): i think meat's screen is max'd
cidonem (7:40:49 PM): these guys gas out so quick
cidonem (7:40:54 PM): fuck i want to be 220lbs
cidonem (7:41:11 PM): knee to groin?
ban hxc dancing (7:41:27 PM): hahah why?
cidonem (7:41:30 PM): nm
ban hxc dancing (7:41:31 PM): so you can fight overeem?
cidonem (7:41:38 PM): no i mean
cidonem (7:41:41 PM): HOLY SHIT
cidonem (7:41:43 PM): DID YOU FUCKING CALL THAT
AMisanthropyPure (8:06:48 PM): i predict dos anjos getting ktfo lyle
ban hxc dancing (8:06:58 PM): by uppercut
ban hxc dancing (8:07:02 PM): dos santos style
AMisanthropyPure (8:07:02 PM): about 39 sec in r3
ban hxc dancing (8:07:05 PM): 3rd round
AMisanthropyPure (8:08:07 PM): Camera shows GSP: The crowd is silent.
Camera shows BJ: The crowd is silent.
Camera shows Anderson: The crowd goes nuts.
cidonem (8:10:12 PM): shit
ban hxc dancing (8:10:16 PM): dos anjos is pretty sneaky
AMisanthropyPure (8:10:30 PM): too bad he'll get caught 3rd round
cidonem (8:10:36 PM): phew
cidonem (8:10:48 PM): that would have fucked joe up
cidonem (8:10:49 PM): right tehre
ban hxc dancing (8:10:53 PM): yes
ban hxc dancing (8:10:54 PM): hahaha
ban hxc dancing (8:11:01 PM): my shoulders cannot take any more punishment
AMisanthropyPure (8:11:13 PM): 3rd round vicious uppercut i call it
cidonem (8:11:37 PM): i'm not impressed by your performance
ban hxc dancing (8:11:40 PM): haha
AMisanthropyPure (8:11:45 PM): the riddum
AMisanthropyPure (8:12:03 PM): i knew i urt im when he said arrrrrgh
ban hxc dancing (8:12:10 PM): ahaha
cidonem (8:12:38 PM): WOW
cidonem (8:12:53 PM): that's gonna suck for dos anjos
AMisanthropyPure (8:13:03 PM): am i amazing or what
cidonem (8:13:21 PM): genki sudo needs to come back to ufc
cidonem (8:13:27 PM): OH SHIT
cidonem (8:13:31 PM): that looked liek a wwe move
cidonem (8:13:32 PM): lol
ban hxc dancing (8:13:34 PM): haha
cidonem (8:14:05 PM): AW
cidonem (8:14:07 PM): FUCKN RNC
AMisanthropyPure (8:14:18 PM): no hes gonna survive it
cidonem (8:14:23 PM): i hate seein people in it
AMisanthropyPure (8:14:27 PM): i tell you
AMisanthropyPure (8:14:30 PM): lyle i bet you 20
AMisanthropyPure (8:14:36 PM): dos anjos is gonna get ktfo
cidonem (8:14:37 PM): k
cidonem (8:14:40 PM): OOh
cidonem (8:14:42 PM): DOS ANJOS?
cidonem (8:14:45 PM): i thought you said he was gonna uppercut
AMisanthropyPure (8:14:49 PM): 3rd round
cidonem (8:14:50 PM): ok
cidonem (8:14:51 PM): i accept
cidonem (8:15:04 PM): dos anjos gonna get uppercut?
AMisanthropyPure (8:15:47 PM): yee
AMisanthropyPure (8:15:51 PM): ktfo
ban hxc dancing (8:16:09 PM): bj gon lose 20 dollars lol
AMisanthropyPure (8:16:14 PM): fuck you joe
cidonem (8:16:16 PM): shit
cidonem (8:16:17 PM): maybe not
cidonem (8:16:18 PM): 20 SECONDS
cidonem (8:16:19 PM): COME ON
cidonem (8:16:26 PM): DECISION
cidonem (8:16:27 PM): DECISION
cidonem (8:16:40 PM): NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
ban hxc dancing (8:16:40 PM): hahaha
cidonem (8:16:42 PM): DECOSOPM
cidonem (8:16:43 PM): DECISION
cidonem (8:18:30 PM): holy shit
cidonem (8:18:31 PM): what just happened
AMisanthropyPure (8:18:39 PM): what
AMisanthropyPure (8:18:49 PM): my stream died
fluffyblackmeat (8:18:53 PM): the guy in red
fluffyblackmeat (8:18:55 PM): won
cidonem (8:18:55 PM): DUDE
cidonem (8:18:57 PM): TKO OR KO?
fluffyblackmeat (8:18:59 PM): knocked out black
cidonem (8:19:06 PM): dude bj
AMisanthropyPure (8:19:06 PM): AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
cidonem (8:19:08 PM): you're fucking cheating
AMisanthropyPure (8:19:13 PM): I AM AMAZING
cidonem (8:19:13 PM): you're fucking cheating,
fluffyblackmeat (8:23:48 PM): bj is physcic
cidonem (8:23:50 PM): i think you're fuckin cheating some how
fluffyblackmeat (8:23:52 PM): he has a gift
cidonem (9:35:54 PM): UD
cidonem (9:35:57 PM): 29-28
AMisanthropyPure (9:35:57 PM): YES
cidonem (9:36:01 PM): sigh
AMisanthropyPure (9:36:05 PM): riley got knocked for the ball shot probably
ban hxc dancing (9:36:09 PM): hahah
ban hxc dancing (9:36:10 PM): lyle.
ban hxc dancing (9:36:15 PM): you have to stop gambling
AMisanthropyPure (9:36:17 PM): NIGGA WANNA HUSTLE
AMisanthropyPure (9:36:21 PM): what what what
AMisanthropyPure (9:36:27 PM): ima knock your shit out