Sinking Ships (2004-2008)
Really sad, as I they were really solid. They were nothing ground breaking, but still an overall good hardcore band
Modern Life is War (2002-2008)
Fucking came out of left field. Honestly, one of the best and most respected hardcore bands out and they break up. So many missed opportunities to see one of hell of a show they put on.
Our first show was on April 20th, 2002 in Tyler's parents basement. This makes our run as a band almost exactly six years. We want to send a huge thank you out to everyone who supported this band through thick and thin because you care about us as individuals, our music, our message or what we stand for as a band. We also want to thank all the people in the DIY/underground hardcore and punk scenes all over the country and world who work really hard and sacrifice a lot for little to no recognition or money because they love the music and message. I am really proud of all that we have accomplished but know that without the support of that community we would have never had a chance to tour and put out records for so many years. I don't want to get sentimental and there is no short way of wrapping up all my feelings about this band and these last six years. Above all...I hope we have made some people feel less alone and motivated them to think for themselves, be themselves and take action. Punk rock changed our lives. I hope we contributed something to keep the whole thing going. We are leaving soon...but The future is start writing it. Tour dates will be posted soon. Come sweat and scream and say goodbye to Modern life Is War.
Dead Hearts (2004-2008)
A band that I just got into recently and boy do I regret not looking into them sooner. They wrote some of the most epic and lyrically genius hardcore songs ever written in my opinion. The term "epic" is unnecessarily overused, but "epic" definitely fits the band. "Bitter Verses" will forever be in my top hardcore releases of all time.
Cursed - (2001 – 2008)
The circumstances for this break up is really heartbreaking. They tour Europe and pretty much everything from them gets stolen. Crucial tihngs like equipment, money and their passports all gone. Frontman Chris Colohan described it as a "bullet in the head". I would seriously agree with that statement if everything you had was gone in an instant. Such a shitty way to end a great band. I hope the fucker(s) that did this get Ukraine Hammer Timed.
The Receiving End of Sirens (2003-2008)
Straying away from the hardcore scene, this by far to me, is the biggest and most emotional break up. They were becoming one of my favorite bands and then they suddenly break up. I am still kicking myself after missing them play so many times. Goddamn you Andy, I'm fucking jealous that you got a chance to see them.
We are sure this comes as a surprise to most, and a let-down to many of you as well. For that we are eternally sorry. We all realize that the band five right out of high school kids started for fun has grown to be something bigger than any of us could have imagined. The music we have created has carried itself far outside the confines of the house we first practiced in, and the city we all met in, and has effected many more than just those of us who have been members of TREOS over the years.
What a surprise it was. I've watched videos of their final shows and the fact that Casey came back to play with them is really what got to me. Never has a band break up affected me like this one did. When the final song "Epilogue" was played, you could see that they were just as heartbroken as the fans were. If I were at these shows, I would have bawled like a baby.